Saturday, 12 April 2014

Marc Couroux at LGS: “Sabotage the Audiostat! Hyperstitional Paracoustics & Chronoportational Pragmètics”

For lines of communication will progressively become cross-institutional circuits, the below…

ST. MARTINS will be hosting

“Sabotage the Audiostat! Hyperstitional Paracoustics & Chronoportational Pragmètics”
Marc Couroux (York University, Toronto)

16h-18h on APRIL 15, 2014
Granary Building, E003 (Central Saint Martins)

Music’s amenability to cybernetics is underlined by Claude Shannon, who defined a “singing condition ” as the inability of an automata to recognize its loopy entrapment. Music’s particular affordances, vitalities, and teleological necessities could serve as a model to help ensure a preordained future through the transformation and regulation of extra-musical sound, channelling the impersonal, inhuman death drive (positive feedback) into homeostatic equilibrium (negative feedback). Noise, far from being a nuisance to such cybernetic systems, is in fact essential to periodically restart them. How might an effectively transgressive practice operate given the alien, invasive neuro-military-entertainment avant-garde; what hyperstitional, paradromic methods might hijack and mutate uncommitted affective excess, escaping the reach of capitalist territorialization? This event is intended as a conversation probing the multifarious linkages between music, affective modulation and chronoportation.

Free event, all welcome.

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